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Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. In women, it may also refer to the state when she is not able to carry a pregnancy to its full term. Ayurvedic Infertility treatment takes a wholesome route to address the problem. In addition to working on the reproductive system, Ayurveda also focuses on the psychological aspect of reproductive health, which results in a more holistic solution of the problem.

Blocked fallopian tubes, defect in cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. Hormonal imbalance leading to ovulation problems too can cause infertility. In males infertility may have anatomical, psychological, and hormonal or lifestyle related causes. The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples can’t be determined using the currently available methods of investigation. From Ayurvedic perspectives, shukradhatu can get affected by various physical, mental causes and even by serious diseases.

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Male Infertility

Infertility normally refers to inability to reproduce and in case of male it can be termed as physical helplessness to contribute to or support pregnancy. There may be various grounds of infertility like low sperm count, sexual issues such as premature ejaculation, abnormal sperm count, blockage in sperm delivery, abnormal testicles, genetic issues, hormonal imbalance. However, the habits of smoking, alcohol, drugs like steroids and lifestyle of male too has adverse impact on the ability of man to have his off-spring.

Ayurveda also focuses on the psychological aspect of reproductive health, which results in a more holistic solution of the problem.

Female Infertility

Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. In women, it may also refer to the state when she is not able to carry a pregnancy to its full term. Ayurvedic Infertility treatment takes a wholesome route to address the problem. In addition to working on the reproductive system, Ayurveda also focuses on the psychological aspect of reproductive health, which results in a more holistic solution of the problem.

Blocked fallopian tubes, defect in cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. Hormonal imbalance leading to ovulation problems too can cause infertility. 

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