Root cause treatment for your all kidney problems

Urinary Problem

The kidneys, bladder, urethra and ureter form the urinary system which is responsible for eliminating toxins and wastes from the body. Disorders can be as simple as a burning sensation while passing urine, an infection, or advanced issues such as kidney stones, inflammation of the kidneys or bladder cancer. Urinary irregularities may also be symptoms of underlying metabolic disorders. AyurShakti treats the root-cause of the urinary problem with personalized treatment specially formulated for individual’s requirement. 

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Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones are formed due to crystallization of minerals and waste materials found in urine. A kidney stone may be the size of a pinhead and may pass unnoticed through urine; or it can be large, up to the size of a grapefruit, and may obstruct the urinary pathway, causing acute pain and bleeding, as well as blocking the flow of urine. In Ayurveda, each case of Kidney stone treatment is different because medicines are personalized for every patient for maximum efficacy. It is important to understand that despite many similarities in symptoms, gall bladder stones and kidney stones may have a common basis, but they are entirely different health problems. People with a history of kidney stone are usually associated with a higher risk of suffering from gall bladder stone as well. Start by getting a personalised diagnosis of your health problem and begin your healing journey with AyurShakti

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common condition that arises when there is an infection caused by bacteria. The infection usually starts in the urethra and then travels up to the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract. There is a burning feeling when urinating and an increased frequency of urination. The condition is more common in females, as the urethra is smaller (becomes infected more easily) and near the anus (a source of contamination). Conditions such as diabetes, bowel incontinence, kidney stones, immobility, reduced intake of fluids, and pregnancy can also contribute to Urinary Tract Infection.

Increased intake of sour, salty, bitter, oily, spicy, and fried foods and tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages aggravate Pitta (Fire) in the body, which leads to the condition of UTI.

Renal Failure

Renal function may be impaired by diseases or drugs that effect the renal parenchyma, by extra renal disorders such as acute circulatory failure or as a result of conditions in which there is obstruction to outflow of urine. The deterioration of kidney function that ensues may be acute or chronic and of varying degree of severity.

Acute renal failure is caused by diseases like acute glomerulonephritis, bilateral pyelonephritis, severely high blood pressure and systemic lupus erythamatosus while chronic renal failure may result from conditions such as progressive glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic disease of kidneys and tuberculosis of kidneys.


Urinary tract infections involve difficult, frequent or burning urination, sometimes with pain, bleeding or pus in the urine. The infection of the urinary tract may be confined to the urethra, prostate or urinary bladder. In such cases, features of systemic illness are rarely seen and the symptoms are those like that of dysuria. 
Cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder. It is often caused by infection and is usually accompanied by frequent painful urination. Urethritis is caused by the inflammation of the urethra and prostatitis is caused by the inflammation of the prostate gland. In all the above conditions, the common symptom is painful urination.


Prostatitis is inflammation of prostate. Urinary tract infections involve difficult, frequent or burning urination, sometimes with pain, bleeding or pus in the urine. The infection of the urinary tract may be confined to the urethra, prostate or urinary bladder. In such cases, features of systemic illness are rarely seen and the symptoms are those like that of dysuria. Ayurveda has studied such conditions under the title Mootrakruchhra which means dysuria.


Urethritis is inflammation of urethra. Urinary tract infections involve difficult, frequent or burning urination, sometimes with pain, bleeding or pus in the urine. The infection of the urinary tract may be confined to the urethra, prostate or urinary bladder. In such cases, features of systemic illness are rarely seen and the symptoms are those like that of dysuria. Ayurveda has studied such conditions under the title Mootrakruchhra which means dysuria.

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